After dealing with a difficult lender to get a modification approved several times they found every reason to deny me. Eventually I got tired of fighting with them and knowing that my house was not valued what I owed I decided to hire Sharon Henry. The lender knew they messed up somewhere when they changed over from one bank to another; they tried in every way to tell me to walk away (which will have a negative impact on me). The best thing I did was to hire Sharon to handle that particular lender who others run from. After months and months, she never backed down. Even in the end she showed them that my realtor was not a shrimp and made what seemed impossible possible by selling my home by showing her knowledge in the short sale area. As a matter of fact we were on a conference call with the bank a few times and I strongly believe the specialist learned from Sharon some things about short sale. I will hire her and recommend her for others needing someone who will fight for you all the way and does not take no for an answer!

Mrs. Y. Robinson